Disposal of the Waldmann lighting and medical equipment in Germany
In accordance with the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz [ElektroG]) Waldmann makes use of the possibility of a contractual agreement for the disposal of the Waldmann lighting and medical equipment supplied as follows:
1. With the fulfillment of the statutory imposed requirement on the manufacturer for the disposal of lighting and medical equipment (excluding fluorescent lamps) brought into circulation after 13 August 2005, Waldmann has, at its own expense, commissioned ISD INTERSEROH Dienstleistungs GmbH, Cologne (INTERSEROH), for the acceptance and disposal of waste. The Customer shall bear the cost of delivery to the collection points. The INTERSEROH collection points available to the Customer can be made available via the main office of INTERSEROH in Cologne. The Customer shall in turn ensure that disposal is contracted exclusively through the waste disposal company engaged by Waldmann. The WEEE registration number of Waldmann is DE 77596560.
2. Fluorescent lamps can also be delivered free of charge to the collection points of the nationwide network of the German lighting industry. These collection points can be made available via the Internet address www.lightcycle.de.